Yesterday we took in the Warkworth A&P show - our 5th consecutive and first without Michael in his nice green shirt!

The John Deer ride on toys were a highlight (despite the fact they have one at home). l-r Jamieson, Sienna, Bailey, Harrison.

Jamie (above), Bailey and I had a go on the climbing wall. The kids got a few feet off the ground - not bad for their first try. Jamie went back for a second go which was very cool. For the record I got half way up before deciding my ego didn't need to be soothed by aching hands!

The kids liked the Merry-go-round the best (until Sienna decided that she wanted to get off!)
The one they all wanted to see was the little hot rods. Bailey bravely drove by himself for the first time in the yellow car, Sienna and I drove the red car and Poppa Gordy and Jamie were in the green car. Auntie FooFoo and Harrison took the black car.
Somehow we didn't manage to see any animals this time around, but we had a great time.