Friday, February 26, 2010
Aitutaki Appeals
Red Cross NZ: They have been on the ground since Cyclone Pat went through and I see this week they have started giving kids breakfast at school.
An Aitutaki community group in Rarotonga has initiated fundraising in CI communties in the Cooks, Australia and New Zealand. The Aitutaki Cyclone Appeal is planning a concert in Melbourne in April as a part of the fund raising effort.
If anyone is involved with their primary school libraries, I am collecting books for shipping to Aitutaki. I am so proud that WARKWORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL has donated 6 boxes of used library books that had been taken out of circulation. Thank you so very much. Between us, The Shahs and Pacific Resort Aitutaki will arrange for these to be shipped up to the island and installed in the libraries of the schools there. If you think you can help us with the library book appeal, please send me an e-mail.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
2 Weeks After Pat

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Cyclone Pat is a Very Nasty Lady
7am, 2.5 hours after the eye has passed at Rapae Bay, Amuri Village
The bar at Pacific Resort Aitutaki (under the sand is stairs and paving!)
(L) Amuri Village destruction; (R) Neibaa store in Vaepae Village
(L) Presbyterian Church in Vaepae; (R) Teka'aroa SDA School
A quick installment from poor old Aitutaki. First and foremost we are safe and sound, the house and resort are structurally sound and most importantly no lives were lost. Once you have looked at the total devastation around our beautiful island you can appreciate that last statement with wonder and awe. We were lucky enough to be in one of the safest positions on the island. We were exposed to all of the Southerlies before the eye, but protected from the early Easterlies and the North winds after the eye passed. Additionally we are connected to the resort generator so didn’t lose the light or power and until 2am when the internet went out, we were able to keep and eye on updates and the wind strength at the airport. Incidentally, when we lost our connection at 2am, the top gust was 70 knot, and that was 2 hours before the eye moved over the island (between 4.00am and 4.45am).
Monday, February 1, 2010
Here comes (TC) Oli
In truth, Nisha got downgraded to a tropical depression just as it reached our door on Friday night and we got off easily with a bit of surf (!) in our normally placid lagoon, a dumping of coral on the beach, filled up water tanks, and a 'fresh' wind to keep the temperatures down. But everyone had battened down the hatches, taken all the boats out of the harbour and moved the shipping containers off the wharf and onto the main road to town (Arutanga).